

PRO-DO-MIX® is Chemineer's authorised distributor: for over 60 years among the leading designers and manufacturers of vertical agitators.

DT Mixers

DT Mixers

Today's applications demand high-performance process equipment accompanied by total support for customers' [...]
MR Mixers

MR Mixers

The MR model is the latest addition to Chemineer’s line of high [...]
Model 20

Model 20

The Model 20 HT/GT agitators are designed for a wide range of [...]
HT Agitators

HT Agitators

HT Turbine Agitators have earned a worldwide reputation for long life, flexibility [...]
HS Agitators

HS Agitators

HS Side-Entering Agitators offer the same ruggedness, dependability and simplicity of design [...]

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